Saturday, July 25, 2009

And the winner is....

(I just want everyone to know that I did put in an extra ticket for you if you told me you were coming.)
Pat T!!!

A BIG thank you to all of you that came to my Open House!! I can't wait to do it again!


  1. Hi Heather. Yee Haw!!!!! I won I won I won!!! What a surprise. Thank you so very much. I enjoyed your open house. It was really nice to spend time with friends and see your awesome creations. You are so talented. Looking forward to a stamp camp.

  2. Boo Hoo, I wanted to win! tee hee----Congrats. to Pat. It was an 'awesome' time, Heather. Thanks!!! When is the next one????


  3. I really enjoyed the open house. I came home and began making cards, something I haven't done for 5 months. I was inspired!

    Wendy Eberhardt

  4. Sounds like it was a success! Way to go Heather! Your cards are awesome!
